I am listening to the vast airy tones of Stars of the Lid. I do not know much about them, only that I missed their gig a few weeks ago, and was kicking myself, please see previous blog post. So for anyone that knows them, you will understand the tone and mood that Dungtitled (In A minor), or Another Ballad for Heavy Lids is likely to impose on a person. For those that don't think Radiohead's last 4 albums played at half speed. Or even more appropriately Sigur Ros. It is slow, mountainous, vast orchestral pieces with trumpets, occasional lyrics. I picture myself standing in the empty streets of Dublin, much like in 28 Days later, an empty city, nobody, no cars, the whole place to myself. Except I feel happy, upbeat and calm in this emptiness.
Normally I find this floaty, heavily futuristic heavy string laden musical opuses to be a bit mellow and anxiety inducing pieces of music that make me like an insignificant speck in an infinite universe.
Not this time, maybe its cause if I take my ear phones off i will be blasted with tunes that scream "Here comes Santa Claus, Here comes Santa Claus, right down Santa Claus lane ..." you get the picture, sugar coated sleigh bell ringing christmas tunes, so in a way Stars of the Lid are my Christmas saviors.
I also got the two Fight Like Apes EPs, and they are a different kettle of fish. Interestingly again related to my previous blog, where I missed their gig. I guess I should also get some more New Pornographers. Anyway, Fight Like Apes are just ace. Really think they will go far.
I want to do a little Radiohead piece now. I got my Radiohead tickets for the 7th June in Dublin. I paid the outrageous 70 euro for the ticket. I feel it is pricy but it is roughly give or take the same for all their gigs on that tour. There are additional tour expenses that get factored into every ticket, but for a band that claim to value their fans so much, their 'take' on the ticket price seems high. Having said that, I will enjoy the gig, and feel that if that is the price to see the most important band currently, then I shall pay what needs to be paid. On a related note of handing money hand over fist to W.A.S.T.E and Radiohead, My Discbox has been dispatched, as has my Girlfriends (which i ordered only last week). They have not arrived as of yet.
Happy Christmas to all
I hope to get a christmas blog going before the new year.
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