Tuesday 18 March 2008

To be someone is a wonderful thing!

The jam, or more specifically, Paul Weller wrote the above, and the lyrics read something like a mission statement from Noel Gallagher. That is not necessarily a bad thing, oh no. But it raises a question for me. What is it that people want? What is that I want? I've no idea of the answer to the first question, much less the second. 

That scares me, I have no idea what i want, except I was to be someone. How do i get there, I do not know. My method of keep your head down and plow ahead seems to work ok, and I end up where I want but I do so with little idea of how I got there. Apologies for the philosophical mumbo jumbo shite. Rant over, now to things more light and breezy

I am writing this on a blogger widget for my Mac from Google. It is pretty cool and easy. All I have to do now is press f12, and the dashboard will come up, and I just start typing, and when done I press 'publish post'. it is as simple as that. I can easy put photos and picture in. Have not figured it out yet, I think it is something to do with Html tags. 

Also I had a bit of a cinema marathon this weekend. Seen 4 films in 2 days, probably not much for a film critic or film nerd, but it is a lot for me. The films varied in topic, content, and quality. I seen 'there will be blood', 'juno', 'be kind rewind', and 'vantage point' in that order. Funny also is that the order I seen them is the order I rate them in enjoyment, and quality. Of course 'there will be blood' was amazing, and top of the weekend.

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