Tuesday 14 August 2007

Indian summers and the typing tutor...

Ok so I have been asked to edit one of my previous posts cause it was too negative. I can accept that. So I promise to be more positive and not use this blog to moan. Instead I shall champion the issues, the music and the experiences I recommend to all and sundry. That is my new mission statement. Please feel free to give me a slap on the wrist if I am being too negative.

How do you like the above picture. A friend of mine suggested that when ever you want to imagine what a statement or phrase looks like, type it into google images, and then compare your image in your mind with the image(s) that are returned. You will be surprised what you came be face with. 

I am learning how to type properly. So I have downloaded a typing tutor. It is a slick program, but it is very hard getting out of the old habits of one fingered typing. My fingers keep getting in a twist. Fingers crossed I shall master proper typing. 

Checking out


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